• China's first highly reliable autonomous fiber optic current transformer passes technical appraisal Feb 03, 2023
    Recently, the Chinese Electrical Engineering Society organized from the electric power, optical and other fields of experts, China's first "highly reliable and independent fiber optic current transformer" for technical appraisal. Chen Weijiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as the representative of the industry experts agreed that the project to form a full range of optical current transformer equipment, representing the field of the highest international level of technology, to realize the field of science and technology in the field of self-reliance and innovation beyond the important significance.   For a long time, fiber optic current transformer and its core optoelectronic devices are mainly dependent on imports, and because of its face of extreme low temperature, external vibration, strong electromagnetic interference and other complex and harsh operating environment, the failure rate remains high, many times leading to DC blocking and stopping, and has become a constraint on the reliable operation of DC engineering problems.   State Grid Corporation, deputy director of the equipment department Guo Xianshan said, "fiber optic current transformer oil-free, gas-free, safe and environmentally friendly, fast response speed, dynamic range, has become the main direction of development of the current measurement in the power system, especially in the DC power transmission project has an irreplaceable role, and its reliability directly affects the safe and stable operation of the system. "   In response to the current situation of operational failures in recent years, the Chinese Academy of Electric Sciences, State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Company composed of a team after more than ten years of technical research, breakthroughs in fiber-optic current transformer polarization optics analysis method and disturbance mechanism, wave piece integrated sensing fiber development process, the core of the reliability of optoelectronic devices to grow the test method, the operational status of intelligent monitoring and early warning technology and other core problems. Finally, successfully developed the first 100% fully localized high reliability independent fiber optic current transformer, temperature, vibration resistance and other key indicators of environmental weathering and reliability of the comprehensive improvement, and ± 800kV Qingnan converter station successfully network operation, marking China's complete solution to the field of optical current measurement of the "neck" The project team has accumulated a lot of experience in this process. In the process, the project team has published 19 standards, 46 invention patents, 49 papers and monographs, and 17 software copyrights.   Learn more :  https://www.hemeielectricpower.com/
  • New equipment to realize the full range of low-voltage current transformer with electric calibration Nov 27, 2023
    November 20, this reporter learned from the Chinese Academy of Electric Sciences Wuhan Branch was informed that after two years of technological research, the hospital successfully developed a low-voltage current transformer (i.e., CT) full-range calibration equipment under charged conditions, for the first time with a non-stop state of the low-voltage current transformer to carry out the periodic calibration capacity. At present, the device has been in the State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Company and other units of the pilot application, the follow-up will be carried out in many parts of the country to carry out network operation work. Energized calibration is one of the most widely used techniques in energized operation, capable of accurately diagnosing faulty equipment and effectively detecting operational safety hazards. Previously, the commonly used method was the traditional detection technology relying on power outages, and the time window for power outage detection is difficult to coordinate, which is not conducive to the business environment and power supply reliability; in addition, the use of banding detection means can only detect the error situation of the user's current load point, and can not comprehensively reflect the user's operation process of all the actual error, the accuracy is difficult to ensure. As a measuring instrument, the transformer full-range energized calibration equipment can measure the amplitude and phase errors of the operating low-voltage current transformers in full range in accordance with the national calibration regulations. The technology adopts electromagnetic induction to calibrate the signal coupling and injection of low-voltage CT, without the need to make electrical connection to the running power supply line, and without adding any auxiliary device or module to the original power supply line, which makes the operation process simple and can effectively guarantee the safety of the personnel and the operation of the power grid. Wuhan Branch of the Chinese Academy of Electric Sciences charged calibration research team leader, professor-level senior engineer Zhang Jun told reporters that, in this case, the development of a can be carried out with electricity, high accuracy and high correlation with the traditional volume of transmission system there is a high degree of correlation between the transformer error calibration technology, appears to be very urgent. Since 2022, under the support of the State Grid Corporation, the Chinese Academy of Electric Sciences and the State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Company set up a project team, relying on the national high-voltage metering station, to jointly carry out the "low-voltage CT full-range calibration under electrified conditions" technology research. The research team through the field demand collection, the overall design of the system program, laboratory development and testing, project site debugging, prototype production and other aspects, repeated attempts, continued research, and the results will be completed on the grid pilot, and achieved good results. According to reports, low-voltage CT charged full-range calibration technology successfully implemented, can realize the normalization of low-voltage CT full-range charged calibration business, to ensure the stability of low-voltage CT metering performance, to avoid the user and the State Grid Corporation's power measurement losses. At the same time, it can improve the technical means of measurement and calibration of transformers, without affecting the quality of power supply services, and effectively improve the level of supervision and control of low-voltage CT operation quality.   Learn more :  https://www.hemeielectricpower.com/

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