"Offshore Wind Power Construction and Operation and Maintenance Innovative Technology Development Forum" held at Tsinghua Sanya International Forum Centre

Mar 27, 2024

Collaboration, innovation, breakthrough - green development, dreaming of the deep blue. 27 January, hosted by China Power Science and Technology Network, co-organised by the China Energy Research Society Marine Energy Professional Committee, "offshore wind power construction and operation and maintenance of innovative technology development forum" was held in Tsinghua Sanya International Forum. International Forum was grandly held.

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Li Huajun, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Lian Jijian, president of Tianjin Polytechnic University, served as the chairman of the forum, and 26 experts from power grids, wind power companies, research institutes, colleges and universities, and other guests to discuss the opportunities and challenges faced by the development of offshore wind power, and the exchange of technological and industrial innovation results, to help the industry develop in a healthy and sustainable manner.


In the context of the green low-carbon era, the global energy structure reshaping, offshore wind power has become an important hand to promote energy transformation in China. China's offshore wind resources are very rich, 50m water depth or so can be developed offshore wind power more than 500 million kW, offshore photovoltaic more than 1 billion kW, the industry scale up to 10 trillion yuan, the development potential is huge. Forum based on "synergy, innovation, breakthrough - green development, dreaming of the deep blue" theme, around the "offshore wind power development trend and prospect analysis", "Offshore wind power construction key equipment and technology", "floating photovoltaic new structure and fixed photovoltaic structure", "wind and storage multi-energy complementary system key issues", "Marine Energy Economy Development and Construction" and other topics were discussed.      


The forum not only follows the past, setting up a number of "expert Q&A and in-depth exchange" sessions, but also adds a "roundtable forum", where experts express their views on a topic and share their opinions in multiple dimensions, so that the guests can understand the topic more comprehensively and form a consensus.


Technology empowerment, and scenery counterparts. Forum to build a communication platform, through speeches, Q&A, communication, the establishment of a collaborative mechanism, convergence of advantageous resources, incubation of innovative achievements, with practical action to lead and promote the high-quality development of marine energy.


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