Booster station maintenance battle!

May 07, 2024

The footsteps of spring are coming quietly, and the spring rain is coming like a poem and a picture. At this moment, the "big battle" for maintenance of Shaanxi Coal Shimen Booster Station is quietly going on. The booster station is an important part of the power system. The maintenance work of the booster station is a delicate and complex project. The quality and efficiency of its maintenance work are directly related to the safe and stable operation of the entire power grid. Therefore, the maintenance of the booster station is not only a technical competition, but also a comprehensive test of teamwork, safety management and technological innovation capabilities.


The work content of 610 interval maintenance and 650 interval maintenance is similar. In addition to the conventional circuit breaker inspection, electrical test, gas density relay calibration, and transmission test, this year's maintenance plan also includes the replacement of current transformers. This is not only a technical job, but also a battle with risks. The replacement of current transformers is a very complicated task, involving multiple high-risk operations such as high-altitude operations, lifting operations, and outsourcing operations. Every step needs to be done carefully and there is no room for error. The peripheral equipment is all running at 220kv power, and the safety regulations clearly stipulate that the safety distance of 220kv equipment is 3 meters. These 3 meters have become an invisible "barrier", limiting the working space and testing professional skills.

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During the hoisting process of the current transformer, the crane's rotation radius control needs to be very precise to ensure a safe distance from the live parts, ensure the safety of the workers, and ensure that the transformer porcelain bottle is not damaged. The pressure and responsibility involved are self-evident. . However, time seems not to be on our side. The maintenance schedule of the entire booster station is tight, and every day's work must be planned in advance, and relevant personnel and equipment must be contacted and deployed in advance. What adds to the challenge is that often when I go out, the sun is still shining brightly, and in a blink of an eye, dark clouds cover the sky, and huge raindrops hit the ground. How many times have maintenance workers had to withdraw from the booster station and wait for the rain to stop before continuing the fight? But even so, we have never given up our efforts to compete with God for time. Every time we pause, we are confirming the spare parts to be used and the presence of relevant staff.


This year’s work also included flaw detection of the porcelain bottles supporting the insulators of the isolating switch of the 220kV booster station, cleaning and inspection of the suspension insulators, and inspection of the corrosion of the gantry frame. These are countermeasures and safety assessment projects, which need to be carried out by contacting the testers of the Provincial Electric Power Research Institute and the operators of Changde Electric Power.


After completing the maintenance work related to the 610 bay and the 650 bay, all members of the second electrical shift immediately entered into the 220kV II busbar maintenance pre-test. It mainly includes non-destructive testing of pillar porcelain bottles, inspection and replacement of pillar porcelain bottle connecting bolts, 220kVII bus metal frame anti-corrosion, 220kV II bus voltage transformer and arrester maintenance pre-test, porcelain bottle non-destructive testing, 220kV booster station Shimeng II line 606 circuit breaker, 6063 isolating switch, 606 circuit breaker current transformer, Shimeng II line CVT preventive test and porcelain bottle cleaning and flaw detection, 6062 isolating switch replacement, 220kV II bus voltage transformer replacement, 606 circuit breaker interval suspension insulator cleaning and insulator inspection work. Among them, the most difficult and risky ones are the replacement of the 6062 isolation switch and the replacement of the 220kV II bus voltage transformer.


In view of the extremely tight time limit, the company's electrical second shift staff urgently carried out these two high-risk tasks involving high-altitude operations, lifting operations, and outsourcing operations at the same time. At the same time, personnel were seriously nervous, and other maintenance projects were suspended, and all efforts were made to ensure that these two key tasks could be completed smoothly and safely. After reasonable planning of the construction period, the scaffolding was set up during off-duty hours to ensure that working hours were fully utilized. The troops were divided into two groups, each with a person in charge to coordinate the equipment and equipment related to lifting, testing, transportation, etc. The time for personnel to enter the site ensures that the work processes on both sides proceed smoothly and the nodes do not conflict with each other. Time seems to have been pressed on the "acceleration button", and everyone is working hard. In such a working atmosphere, everyone seems to have been ignited with a fire, burning with passion and driving forward. Everyone sweats here, gains growth, and writes their own wonderful chapter with enthusiasm and hard work.


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