2024 Fifth Spring Academic Conference on Amorphous Physics and Materials

Apr 16, 2024

From April 12 to 15, the 2024 Fifth Spring Academic Conference on Amorphous Physics and Materials was held at the Yangtze River Delta Physics Research Center in Liyang, Jiangsu.


This conference is jointly sponsored by the Amorphous Physics Committee of the Chinese Physical Society and the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and hosted by the Yangtze River Delta Physics Research Center. The conference will set up a main venue and three sub-venues focusing on basic academic research, applied exploration research, and cross-industry needs.

Academician Wang Weihua's report was titled "Opportunities and Challenges in the Application of Amorphous Alloys", which focused on introducing new applications and new directions of amorphous alloys in terms of high-frequency soft magnetism, bulk amorphous (3C), catalysis and welding materials. Wang Weihua said that amorphous/nanocrystalline is the soft magnetic material with the most beneficial comprehensive performance under high-frequency conditions. It has a wide range of application prospects and will generate an industry worth hundreds of billions of yuan in the next 5-10 years; bulk amorphous is used in folding screens There are practical applications in mobile phone hinges, high-end watch cases, flexible gears, and space mirrors, and the application fields need to be further expanded; catalysis and welding, as application directions that started early and have little research, will face more opportunities in the future. Domestic representative amorphous/nanocrystalline companies have independently innovated, and some fields have achieved a leap from following to leading on a global scale.


Academician Liu Riping's report was titled "Metastable Academic Ideas and Development of New Materials". He said that in recent years, using the perspective of metastable materials to rethink important scientific and technical issues related to traditional materials has gradually become a new growth point in the materials discipline. Academician Liu focused on the work achievements of the State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Preparation Technology and Science in recent years, and successively introduced the "Synthesis of Nano-Twinned Superhard Diamond" by Tian Yongjun's team and "New Materials for High-speed and Heavy-Duty Railway Frogs" by Zhang Fucheng's team. "New Materials and Rail Integration New Technology" and his own team's "lightweight (low-density) steel development" and other major achievements. These achievements have very broad engineering application prospects, contribute to "Made in China", and are expected to break foreign monopolies in some fields.


This conference aims to provide a platform for in-depth academic exchanges and industrial cooperation for outstanding scholars and entrepreneurs in the field of amorphous physics and materials, promote the integration of industry-university-research cooperation, promote the diversified cross-integration of disciplines, applications, and industrialization, and discuss Cutting-edge technologies and future development directions of amorphous physics and materials, focusing on the connection between technology supply and market demand, using demand to drive the research and development and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, especially in industries such as new energy, precision medicine and health, and intelligent manufacturing, to achieve non-stop The disciplines of crystalline physics and materials have developed by leaps and bounds.

More than 500 representatives from relevant universities, research institutes, well-known enterprises and other units across the country participated. The Secretariat of the Amorphous Alloy Materials Application Branch of the China Electrical Equipment Industry Association organized a group to attend the conference to study and conduct industry-university-research collaboration.


This conference is the fifth conference following the 2018 Anhui Jingde Conference, the 2019 Shenzhen Conference, the 2021 Nanjing Conference and the 2023 Dongguan Conference.


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